Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute

Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute


Alternative: Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute

Author(s): Ikada Kai

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Comedy, Manga, Romance, Slice of life

Chapter(s): 146

Updated: 13 days ago

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You are reading Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Comedy, Manga, Romance, Slice of life, written by Ikada Kai, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute has 146 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute to your bookmark list.

Natsukawa Tsubasa has just moved from Tokyo to Hokkaido, in the middle of winter. Not quite appreciating how far towns are in the country, he gets off the taxi at the next town over from his destination, so he can see the sights around his home. But he is shocked when he learns the "next town" is 3 hours walk away. But he also meets a cute Dosanko (born and raised in Hokkaido) gyaru named Fuyuki Minami who is braving 8 degrees celcius below 0 weather in the standard gyaru outfit of short skirts and bare legs!

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