Duchess of the Glass House

Duchess of the Glass House


Alternative: LA DUQUESA DE INVERNADERO DE CRISTAL; The Duchess of the Glass Greenhouse; Yurionsir-ui Gongjang Buin; 유리온실의 공작 부인; Release 2021

Author(s): 공기알

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance

Chapter(s): 112

Updated: 4 months ago

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You are reading Duchess of the Glass House, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, written by 공기알, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Duchess of the Glass House has 112 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Duchess of the Glass House to your bookmark list.

"Live your life. Don't be swayed and give it to others."Edhart's words were quite arbitrary but they strangely resonated with me. However, my marriage with him was close to misfortune and my precious child was taken away. I died lonely in a humble detached house.My second life was thankfully given to me when I gave up on everything. I vowed to make take the opportunity I was given."When I close my eyes the past will clearly emerge in front of me, but now I'm going to face them without running away. To protect me and my child!"

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