Glass Mask

Glass Mask


Alternative: ガラスの仮面 ; 千面女郎 ; 玻璃面具 ; Garasu no Kamen ; Glass no Kamen ; Il grande sogno di Maya ; Laura ou la Passion du Theatre ; Mặt Nạ Thủy Tinh ; The Glass Mask ; Topeng Kaca

Author(s): Miuchi Suzue

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shoujo

Chapter(s): 372

Updated: 8 days ago

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You are reading Glass Mask, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shoujo, written by Miuchi Suzue, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Glass Mask has 372 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Glass Mask to your bookmark list.

Maya Kitajima loves acting with a passion. But the odds seem stacked against her--she's working as a delivery girl at a noodle shop and bogged down with school... Still, nothing could stop her love for drama... Will she ever get the chance to pursue her dreams?From Shoujo Manga Maniac:Chigusa Tsukikage holds the rights to the play "The Crimson Goddess," a lost masterpiece that many would love to see brought back to the stage. Tsukikage, however, won't allow the cherished work to be diminished by an actress who isn't worthy of playing the title role. Fortunately, she has found two young actresses that just might be worthy: Maya Kitajima and Ayumi Himekawa. Though both actresses are exceptionally talented, only one can win the coveted role.

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