Haru yo, Koi

Haru yo, Koi


Alternative: 思春期少女 ; 春よ、来い ; Women wish for a Spring Romance

Author(s): Saki Kaori

Status: completed

Genre(s): Adult, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen, Slice of life

Chapter(s): 95

Updated: 5 months ago

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You are reading Haru yo, Koi, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Adult, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen, Slice of life, written by Saki Kaori, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Haru yo, Koi has 95 chapters translated into English. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Haru yo, Koi to your bookmark list.

From Manga Jouhou:Takashi Sone is living on his own while he is attending college. Out of the blue, his parents tell him that his sister, Mafuyu, is moving in to live with him and that she will be attending a high school in his area.When she arrives, he finds out that she was kicked out of her old school for getting caught making out with another girl. Soon afterwards, the other girl arrives, having thrown away everything she owns in order to run away and live with Mafuyu.Volume 11 has a unreleated 2 chapter story at the end called Frills

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