It's Over! Empress’ Husband is Actually Invincible

It's Over! Empress’ Husband is Actually Invincible


Alternative: Empress’ Husband is Actually Invincible; 完了啊!女帝的软饭丈夫居然无敌 / Wanliao Ah! Nvdi De Ruan Fan Zhangfu Juran Wudi

Author(s): 番茄漫画

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Action, Drama, Fantasy, Isekai, Long strip, Manhua, Martial arts

Chapter(s): 392

Updated: 3 months ago

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You are reading It's Over! Empress’ Husband is Actually Invincible, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Action, Drama, Fantasy, Isekai, Long strip, Manhua, Martial arts, written by 番茄漫画, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. It's Over! Empress’ Husband is Actually Invincible has 392 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add It's Over! Empress’ Husband is Actually Invincible to your bookmark list.

Xiao Tian, a human on earth, was summoned by Empress Zi Ruoyan to the Great Yan Dynasty to become her husband at the time of life and death, and got a "Strongest Supreme System", but Xiao Tian only wanted to be the ultimate soft rice prince of the Empress! So he resolutely rejected the system, but he didn't expect that the strong system's style of painting would suddenly change into a "dog-licking system"? ! You are a creature from the super high-dimensional plane Earth! This system can only be your slave! Master, please control yourself, you may accidentally kill this system!

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