Legend Of The Northern Blade

Legend Of The Northern Blade


Alternative: Legend of the Northern Blade

Author(s): 우각, 해민

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhwa, Martial arts, Shounen, Webtoons

Chapter(s): 190

Updated: 21 hours ago

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You are reading Legend Of The Northern Blade, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhwa, Martial arts, Shounen, Webtoons, written by 우각, 해민, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Legend Of The Northern Blade has 190 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Legend Of The Northern Blade to your bookmark list.

When the world was plunged into darkness martial artists gathered to form the Northern Heavenly Sect'. With the help of the Northern Heavenly Sect people began to enjoy peace again. However, as time passed the martial artists began to conspire against the Northern Heavenly Sect', and eventually caused the death of the Sect Leader, Jin Kwan-Ho, destroying the sect with it. As everyone left the sect, Jin Kwan-Ho's only son, Jin Mu-Won was left behind. Mu-Won has never learned martial arts, but he finds the Techniques secretly left behind by his father and begins to acquire the martial arts of the Northern Heavenly Sect.

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