


Alternative: ナチュン (Japanese); nacuN

Author(s): Daisaku Tsuru

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Adult, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Sci fi, Seinen, Supernatural, Tragedy

Chapter(s): 45

Updated: 4 months ago

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You are reading Nachun, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Adult, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Sci fi, Seinen, Supernatural, Tragedy, written by Daisaku Tsuru, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Nachun has 45 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Nachun to your bookmark list.

In the near future: A world renowned mathematician / physicist Francis Dullam loses his left brain hemisphere and retires from hard science to study dolphins. Several years later he comes up with the new thesis which is essentially a collection of dolphin footage. As the "thesis" is being severely criticized by the media, Ishii Mitsunari (a student living in America) discovers the idea hidden there, that will help to create the true Artificial Intelligence. Motivated to create the AI first Mitsunari leaves for Okinawa to follow the footsteps of Dullam.

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