Super Shame

Super Shame


Alternative: 羞耻侠

Author(s): Youdoufu and X3, Cuzn, iLEGUO

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Comedy, Ecchi, School life

Chapter(s): 85

Updated: 5 months ago

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You are reading Super Shame, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Comedy, Ecchi, School life, written by Youdoufu and X3, Cuzn, iLEGUO, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Super Shame has 85 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Super Shame to your bookmark list.

The high school student Cheng Bo, a male chauvinist with positive essential views, had been accidentally involved in a secret shooting. When he planned to get back the video, he understood what the meaning of "hero" was in shame, and gradually went inside And this is the reason why you need to wear it before you go to the street?!

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