The Guild Official With The Out-Of-The-Way Skill “Shadowy” Is, In Fact, The Legendary Assassin

The Guild Official With The Out-Of-The-Way Skill “Shadowy” Is, In Fact, The Legendary Assassin


Alternative: 外れスキル「影が薄い」を持つギルド職員が、実は伝説の暗殺者,Hazure Skill

Author(s): Kennoji, Fuu Araki

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy

Chapter(s): 45

Updated: 9 days ago

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You are reading The Guild Official With The Out-Of-The-Way Skill “Shadowy” Is, In Fact, The Legendary Assassin, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, written by Kennoji, Fuu Araki, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. The Guild Official With The Out-Of-The-Way Skill “Shadowy” Is, In Fact, The Legendary Assassin has 45 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add The Guild Official With The Out-Of-The-Way Skill “Shadowy” Is, In Fact, The Legendary Assassin to your bookmark list.

Roland is an assassin who, one day, breaks from his team and single-handedly "kills" the demon king (who is actually a girl because you should have figured out the type of story this is by now).After returning to the kingdom, the king graciously promises Roland whatever he wants for his heroics. Conflicted in his desires he hasn't thought of anything outside of killing for years he remembers that one of his teammates told him what she plans to do after evil is defeated:Live a slow life.And so Roland, with his ability to blend perfectly into the crowd and the disguised demon king Leila at his side, decides to live a peaceful life.Look, you knew what this series would be like the moment you heard "skill" and "guild" in the title. I'm not gonna judge you, just keep in mind what you're going to get into.

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