


Alternative: ヴァッサロード ; 血咒圣痕 ; 血咒聖痕 ; Vassalord.

Author(s): Chrono Nanae

Status: completed

Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Sci fi, Shoujo, Shounen ai, Supernatural, Yaoi

Chapter(s): 39

Updated: 4 months ago

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You are reading Vassalord, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Action, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Sci fi, Shoujo, Shounen ai, Supernatural, Yaoi, written by Chrono Nanae, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Vassalord has 39 chapters translated into English. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Vassalord to your bookmark list.

Vampires Charles J. Chrishunds (Charley) and Johnny Rayflo have a strange relationship. Charley is a cyborg and a vampire hunter for the Vatican, while his master Rayflo enjoys a playboy lifestyle. While fighting crimes involving vampires, Charley struggles to control his lust for blood and for Rayflo, while Rayflo delights in seducing his servant and attempts to deal with issues from his own past. Rayflo cares about Charley (also known as Cherry and Chris), and these feelings don't seem to be one-sided.*The second volume of Vassalord contains a bonus one-shot in the back, a fantasy story called "Zoul Harf" or "Zoul Half." This special one-shot was first published in the Comic Blade Masamune summer issue in 2003. not scanlated

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