VRMMO de Summoner Hajimemashita

VRMMO de Summoner Hajimemashita


Alternative: I Started As Summoner In VRMMO; VRMMOでサモナー始めました; I Started As Summoner In Vrmmo

Author(s): Tetometo

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Gender bender, Slice of life

Chapter(s): 30

Updated: 4 months ago

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You are reading VRMMO de Summoner Hajimemashita, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Gender bender, Slice of life, written by Tetometo, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. VRMMO de Summoner Hajimemashita has 30 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add VRMMO de Summoner Hajimemashita to your bookmark list.

The world's first action game VRMMO FWO (Fantasy World Online). Our main character chose to become a Summoner. While not so much in particularly willing to go about aggressively capturing monsters or aim to be the strongest player. Just wanting to have an adventure to search for cute monsters and clothes' material. Without noticing in the flow of one situation after another, he becomes the top ranking Summoner.

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