I Will Live Freely in Another World With Equipment Manufacturing Cheat

I Will Live Freely in Another World With Equipment Manufacturing Cheat


Alternative: Sobi Seisaku Kei Chi to De Isekai Wo Jiyu Ni Ikiteikimasu,装備製作系チートで異世界を自由に生きていきます

Author(s): Tera, Shion Mizuki

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Fantasy

Chapter(s): 51

Updated: 9 days ago

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You are reading I Will Live Freely in Another World With Equipment Manufacturing Cheat, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Action, Comedy, Fantasy, written by Tera, Shion Mizuki, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. I Will Live Freely in Another World With Equipment Manufacturing Cheat has 51 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add I Will Live Freely in Another World With Equipment Manufacturing Cheat to your bookmark list.

There's the ordinary 29-year-old salesman named Touji Akino who, one day, is suddenly brought to another world. However, it turns out that he was a byproduct of a kingdom's hero summoning ritual and, since the people around him have better skills and levels than he does, he is quickly kicked out of the kingdom. However, he has a unique cheat skill that allows him to look at the status of any object he is touching. Using this power, he resolves to live a slow life and attain a harem of cute girls and mascot characters.

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